It is invalid to change a Group Order from to. 将组顺序从更改为是无效的。
To QCLT group which order is even, the supersolvable property is discussed, the five sufficient conditions are given out. 对偶阶的QCLT群的超可解性进行了讨论,给出了五个充分条件。
Athletes in this field require balanced muscular strength between external and internal muscle group in order to achieve their peak performance. 这些运动项目的运动员需要有均衡的内转肌群及外转肌群之肌力,来帮助维持肩关节之稳定性及达到最佳之运动表现。
Open the page that contains the data view that you want to remove the group order from. 打开包含要从中删除组顺序的数据视图的页眉。
On the Class Equation of Group of Order 8p and Its Influence on Structure of Groups 8p阶群的类方程及其对群结构的影响
Ruining group's order is not allowed. 不允许你破坏团体秩序。
The people's court shall accept and hear such applications and timely designate the members of the liquidation group in order to carry out liquidation procedures. 人民法院应当受理该申请,并及时指定清算组成员,进行清算。
Truman created a study group in order to control the alien problem. 杜鲁门建立了一个研究小组,以控制外星人问题。
Year one focuses on the cultural background which induced the establishment of the Field Day group in order to set up the project's theoretical framework; 第一年研究重点在促使「田野日集社」建社的文化背景,并据此建立本计画之理论架构;
Invalid Group order, please choose a valid selection from the dropdown list. 无效的组顺序,请从下拉列表中选择有效选定内容。
He coordinates with the individual and the group in order to unify them in their work. 他在个人及小组之间做好协调工作,使他们在工作中统成一个整体。
On the class diagram menu, choose the group order that you want. 在“类关系图”菜单上,选择您所需的组顺序。
Finite nilpotent groups with automorphism group of order 4p~ 2q 具有4p~2q阶自同构群的有限幂零群
Join a group in order to spy on the members. 加入一个组织来暗中监视其中的成员。
In the example above, we have used just one group," Order Type", to display a drop down box to the customer allowing them to select their license type. 以上例子中,我们仅使用了一个组“OrderType”来显示一个下拉选框供客户选择许可类型。
At present group public order cases have a bad influence on the stability and economic development of the society. 当前的群体性治安事件,已经成为影响和制约社会稳定和经济发展的重要因素。
In particular, we classify finite groups G of odd order in which the multiplicities of nonlinear irreducible character degrees are all less than 2p, where p is the minimal prune divisor of the group order| G|. 特别地,得到了非线性不可约特征标次数的重数均小于2p的奇阶群G的分类结果.这里p为群阶G的最小素因子。
A Research on Group Public Order Case 社会稳定问题中的群体性治安事件研究
Let G be a Commutative group of order n and H be a cyclic subgroup of order m in G. G是n阶交换群,H是G的m阶循环子群。
To begin with, this paper introduces the concept of constructor in JAVA, and points out that it is a group of order sets of initializing object instances. 本文首先介绍了JAVA中构造方法的概念,指出构造方法是JAVA中初始化对象实例的一组指令集。
With the theoretical tool of institutionalism, the article attempts to explore and analyze the choice of path of economic transition and characteristics of performances from the perspective of interest group in order to deepen the comprehension of the operational mechanism and rules of economic transition. 因此,本文拟从利益集团的视角,运用制度主义的理论工具,对俄罗斯经济转轨的路径选择和绩效特征进行概括性分析和描述,以期深化对俄罗斯经济转轨运行机制及其规律的理解和认识。
On the Quotient of the Group Order and the Number of Conjugacy Classes 关于群的阶与群的共轭类数的商
Next, independent tasks are scheduled group by group in an ascending group order. 然后,按照组的升序,将独立任务映射到计算节点上。
After discussing the some fundamental properties of this mapping, it gives a group order method for all alternatives. 在讨论了此映射的一些基本性质之后,给出一个对随机偏爱群体决策问题进行方案排序的方法。
Group decision making plays an important part in the field of decision making. It studies how to integrate individual preferences into group preference on a set of alternatives, so that the group can order all the alternatives or choose the optimal one. 群体决策是决策领域的一个重要的组成部分,它研究如何将一个供选方案集上的个体偏爱汇集成群体偏爱,以使群体对所有供选方案做出优劣排序或从中选优。
Finally, I do data analysis and get the main conclusion the following: ( 1) The intervention is effective that I interfere with the interpersonal relationship of experimental group in order to improve the level of the meaning of life. 最后对数据进行分析,主要结论如下:(1)对人际关系进行干预,提高人际关系水平,进而提高生命意义感;干预有效。
The second is the need for ownership and love. One hand, attacking Internet users in the network group in order to obtain a sense of belonging, on the other hand, in order to restoring the ownership and love which were deprived in reality. 二是归属和爱的需要,一方面网民的攻击是为了获得在网络中群体的归属感,另一方面是为了挽回在现实中被剥夺的归属和爱,从而发出攻击行为。
Firstly it reviews the formal literature research of hotel group, business model and business model of hotel groups, sets up relevant definition and builds up the frame of business model of hotel group in order to lay a theoretical foundation for the entire article. 本文专注于集团化方面进行研究。文章首先进行了饭店集团化、商业模式和饭店集团商业模式的文献综述、相关解释以及商业模式框架的建立,为整篇文章打下理论基础。
Glass slides were modified with aldehyde group in order to develop gene chips. 采用醛基化玻片制作基因芯片,对玻片处理方法进行优化。